Friday 29 November 2013

AMAZING BEE FACTS ( Making Honey, The making of a Queen)

Honey bees are assigned jobs based on their age:

for instances for the worker bee:

  • 1-2 days old  : spend their time cleaning cells,starting with the one they were born in, and keeping the board warm.
  • 3-5 days old : they feed older larvae
  • 6-11 days old : they feed the youngest larvae
  • 12-17 days old : they produce was, build combs, carry food, and perform undertaker duties
  • 18-21 days old :  the perform guard duty, protecting the hive entrance
  • 22 days on until their death at around 40-45 days : they fly from the hive collecting pollen, nectar water, pollinating plants etc. 


Making Honey:

Honey bees make honey by taking nectar from flowers and mixing it with enzymes from glands in their mouths. Then is then stored in hexagonal wax honeycombs until the water content has been reduced to around 17%. Once this happens, worker bees cap the combs with wax seal until bees need it for food , for instance in winter  time.

The making of a Queen:
When a colony get crowed , the bees will decide to make a new queen bee. The process to do this is follow:

Step 1 : Bees construct up to 20 wax queen cells.

Step 2 : The current queen lays fertilized eggs in each queen cell.

Step 3 : The young nurse bees feed the young queen larvae with a special rich creamy food collect royal jelly  and extend the cell downwards until it is about 25 mm in length.

Step 4 : Nine days after laying eggs , the first queen cell is sealed with a layer of wax.

Step 5 : A large swarm , called the prime swarm , of the bees leaves the hive led by the older bees . The old queen get starved so she is thinner and able to fly . The older bees can then convince the old queen  to join the swarm and they go off scouting for a new place to create a colony. Amazingly , this swarm will take a lot of breaks along the way , sending out the scouts to go search. Scouts report back and from this information, they choose the best spot to go next.

Step 6 : Eight days later the first virgin queen leaves her cell . Now , either she takes an additional small                      swarm and leaves this hive to start a new one  or she locates and kills her sister potential queens by                stinging them through the wax well of their cells.

Step 7 : The young queen flies around and orients herself to her new surroundings .

Step 8 : The queen will take several mating flights and will mate up to 20 male bees called drones will die                    after mating.
Step 9 :  Three days later the mated queen will begin to lay fertilized eggs at a rate of about 2000 per day. Fertilized eggs become female bees. unfertilized eggs get fertilized by male drones and become a  new drones. At any given time there is 1 queen bee , up to 40,000 or so female worker bees and  few hundred male drones.

Step 10 : This queen with stay the colony for at least 8 years until a large enough swarm is available to go start a new colony somewhere else.Though the worker bees only live 40 or so days and drones bees die in mating or are evicted from the hive in the autumn to conserve food as they do no actual  work , the queen bee can live up to 5 years.


Thursday 28 November 2013


This post shows a simple trick that can used in ATM to escape from robbers.
We are hearing that people are robbed in ATM  centers. This is a simple trick that u can use when you are in such a situation.  Its a simple trick. While enter your secret 4 digit pin enter it in the reverse order. For example just think that 1234 is your secret 4 digit pin at this time you have enter your pin like this 4321 (reverse order of pin) at this time the ATM machine make  alarm or the suddenly a alert message will be sent to police station so police can easily identify the ATM center and catch the robber . With this method you can save your life and money.If your ATM center don't have this facility you can suggest it to them and make you life and money save. 

NOTE:  Please don't try it just for fun or make others fool. Use this only in emergency situation.

Wednesday 27 November 2013


Your answer for the above question may be the 'police' because police use tear gas against the crowd but the real one of the bird. Its a special type of bird. This birds are capable of producing a liquid in their body . When the predators or enemy come to attack them they spread this liquid to the the eyes of them. If it enter to the eyes of the enemy they get pain in their eye and also it make them blink for few time. At this time this bird can escape with its life.

Tuesday 26 November 2013


People used to say that  "seal cry always". The truth is its not crying. All most all the time  eyes of the seal is wet even when seal is in sea and in land . It happens because the glands in the eyes of the seal produce a liquid which help to protect their eyes.

Monday 25 November 2013


1)   Did you know eye colour is controlled by the  level of MELANIN in your iris  ?

  •  Brown eyes have more melanin ( a dark brown pigment )  in their iris.
  • Blue eyes have less  melanin , which allows collagen ( which is blue ) , to show through.

2)   If you have blue eyes , then you share a common ancestor with every other blue-eyed person in the   world.

  • The first person ever to have blue eyes lived sometime between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago. Before then , all people had brown eyes.

3)   Your eyes contains 107 millions of cells which are sensitive to light.
  • 7 million "cones (cell in eyes)" help you to see colour and details. 
  • 100 million cells called "rods" help you to see better in dark.

4)   Did you know that 20/20 vision just means your vision is "normal" ?
  • Eye doctors have determined what people should "normally" be able to read on a chart from 20 feets away.

5)   If you wore glasses which flipped images upside down, your brain would correct your vision.
  • Although you had see things upside down for few days , your brain would eventually adapt, and make sure that  you see everything the right way up.

6)   On average , you blink 17 times per minute , 14,280 times in 14 hours in a day and 5.2 million times a year.

  • You blink more when you are talking.
  • you blink less when you are reading , which is why your eyes get tired quickly.

7)   They say "in the blink of an eye" because it's fastest muscle in your body.
  •  a blink typically lasts 100-150 milliseconds.
  • I's possible to blink 5 times in a second.


Saturday 23 November 2013


1)    A polar bear's liver has enough vitamin A stored inside it to kill a human being.

2)   The lemur's thick bushy tail serves as a balancing tool when leaping from tree to tree.

3)    Hippos can graze under water and the story goes that they made a deal with Yahweh that he would let them  stay under water to escape the heat if they cut the grass on the river floor.

4)    Chickens  have the  ability to observe light from the sun a full hour, before human being see it.

5)    The snap of the pistol shrimp's claw is do loud that it completes with animals such as the sperm whale for the loudest creature of the sea.

Wednesday 20 November 2013


The earth is the third planet of the eight planets that orbit the sun . It is the largest and densest rocky planet , and  the only and only one known to support life . About 70 % per cent of the Earth's surface is covered by water , which is not found in liquid form on the surface of any other planet. There are four main layers :the inner core, the outer core, the mantle, and the crust. At the heart of the planet the solid inner core has a temperature of about 4000degree celcius. The heat from this inner core causes material in the molten outer core and mantle to circulate in convection currents. It is thought that these convection currents generate the earth's magnetic field, which extends into spaces as the magnetosphere. The Earth's atmosphere help's screen out some of the harmful radiation from the sun, stops meteorites from reaching the planet's surface, and traps enough heat to prevent extremes of cold. The Earth has one natural satellite ,the Moon , which is large enough for both bodied to be considered a double-planet system

Tuesday 19 November 2013


Stringed instruments produce sound by by the vibration of stretched strings. This may be done by drawing a across the strings , as in the violin ;or by plucking the strings , as in the harp and guitar. The  four modern members of the bowed stringed family are the violin , viola , cello (violoncello) and double bass. Each consist of a hollow , wooden body , a long neck and four strings . The bow is a wooden stick with horse hair stretched across its length . The vibrations made by drawing the bow across the strings are transmitted to the hollow body, and this itself vibrates, amplifying and enriching the sound produced . The harp consist of a set of strings of different lengths stretched across a wooden frame. The strings are plucked by the player,s thumbs and fingers - except the little finger of each hand - which produces vibrations that are amplified by the harp,s soundboard. The pitch of the note produced by any stringed instrument depends on the length, weight, tension of the string used. A shorter , lighter or tighter string gives a higher note.

Sunday 17 November 2013


This post views the photos taken by famous photographer VIPIN VARGHESE from mala when he visit BANNERGHATTA NATIONAL PARK


                                             FOR MORE PHOTOS CLICK HERE 

Saturday 16 November 2013


Stars are bodies of hot, glowing gas that are born in nebulae. They vary enormously in size , mass , and temperature: diameters range from about 450 times smaller to over 1000times bigger than that of the sun, masses range from about a twentieth to over 50 solar masses; and surface temperatures range from about 3000 degree Celsius top over 50000degree Celsius. The color of a star is determined by its temperature: the hottest stars are blue and the coolest are red. The sun, with  a surface temperature of 5500 degree Celsius, is between these extremes and appears yellow.The energy emitted by shining star is produced by nuclear fusion in the star's core. The brightness of a star is measured in magnitudes-the brighter the star,the lower its magnitude . There are two types of magnitude: apparent magnitude, which is the brightness seen from earth, and absolute magnitude , which is the brightness that would be seen from a standard distance of 10 parsecs (32.6 light years). The light emitted by the stars may be split to form  a spectrum containing a series of dark lines (absorption lines).The patterns of lines indicate the presence of particular chemical elements , enabling astronomers to deduce  the composition of the atmosphere.The magnitude and spectral type (color) of stars may be plotted on a graph called a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, Which shows that stars tend to fall into several well -defined groups.The principal groups are main sequence stars (those which are fusing hydrogen to from helium),giants, super giants,and white dwarfs.

Tuesday 12 November 2013


Percussion instruments are large group of instruments that produce sound by being struck , shaken , scraped, or clashed together. Most percussion instruments - such as the tam-tam (gong) , cymbals , and maracas - do not have a definite pitch and are used for rhythm and impact , and the distinctive timbre ( colour) of their sound. Other percussion instruments such as the xylophone , vibraphone , and tubular bells - are tuned to a definite pitch that can play melody , harmony , and rhythms . The xylophone and vibraphone each have two  rows of bars that are arranged in a similar way to the black and white keys of a piano. Metal tubes are suspended below the bars to amplify the sound. The vibraphone has electrically operated fans that rotate in the tubes and produce a vibrato (wavering pitch) effect.

Monday 11 November 2013


Flowering plants (PHYLUM ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA ) are divided into two class: monocotyledons (class monocotyledoneae) and dicotyledons (class dicotyledoneae). Typically, monocotyledons have seeds with one cotyledon (seed leaf); their foliage leaves are narrow with parallel veins; the flower components occur in multiples of three; sepals and petals are distinguishable and are known as tepals ; vascular (transport) tissue are scattered in random bundles throughout the stem;and;since they lack stem cambium (activity dividing cells that produce wood) most monocotyledons are herbaceous.Dicotyledons have seed with two cotyledons;leaves are board with central midrib and branched veins; flower parts occur multiples of four or five ; sepals are generally small and and green ; petals are large and colourful ; vascular bundles are arranged in  ring around the edge of the stem ; and , because many dicotyledons posses wood-producing stem cambium, there and woody forms as well as herbaceous ones.

Sunday 10 November 2013


Before you pray      -   BELIEVE

Before you speak   -    LISTEN

Before you spend   -    EARN

Before you write    -    THINK

Before you quit      -     TRY 

Before you  die      -      LIVE

Wednesday 6 November 2013


Lrises are wonderful garden plants. The world lris means rainbow.Lrises come many colours ,blue and purple,white and yellow,pink and orange and brown and red, and even block.The genus lris has about 200 species and is native of north temperate regions of the world, the habitat of iris also varies a lot. Some irises grow in deserts, some  in swamps, some in the cold far north, and many in temperate climates , bearded lris and Siberian lris are two of the most common types of iris grown.....

Tuesday 5 November 2013


#  include  <header file>
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